Reeluxs Bag Spa Specialist Singapore


Reeluxs Bag Spa Service Policy and Terms & Conditions

Agreement to Terms

Agreement to Terms:

  1. Acceptance: By using our services, you, the customer, agree to abide by Reeluxs’s service policy and terms & conditions.
  2. Understanding: It is essential that you read and fully understand all aspects of these terms for proceeding with our services. This ensures that both parties are aware of their rights and obligations, helping to prevent misunderstandings and disputes.
  3. Non-Cancellable: Once a service has been confirmed to process, it is non-cancellable and cannot be altered. This policy is due to the fact that all materials and resources are specifically prepared and designated for each independent item upon confirmation of the service.

Service Disclaimer

  • Cleaning Services: No warranties due to the variable effectiveness of cleaning treatments.
  • Repair Services: One (1) month of warranty post-completion, covering only the specific repairs conducted.
  • Restoration Services: Three (3) months of warranty post-completion, applicable only to the restored areas.
  • Replacement Services: Six (6) months of warranty post-completion for applicable only to the replacement area. 

Warranty Period Limitation

  1. Start of Warranty Period: The warranty period begins from the date the customer collects the serviced item.
  2. Deadline for Collection: Warranty claims will not be accepted after three months from the date of notification for customers who delay collection.
  3. Timing of Sending for Service: Warranty claims will not be accepted if the item is sent for service after the warranty period has expired, even if notification occurs within the warranty period.
  4. Warranty Claims: Customers are encouraged to submit any claims concerning potential defects or issues within the specified warranty duration as stated at the time of service.
  5. Timely Addressing of Concerns: This policy ensures that all concerns are addressed timely and within the terms of our warranty policy.

Warranty Limitations

  • 1. Evaluation of Disclaimer :

    • Professional Judgment: All issues are evaluated based on our professional judgment to determine their validity.
    • Unreasonable Requests: Requests that are considered unreasonable, such as:
      • Scrutiny over the spacing of stitching lines
      • Slightly uneven stitching differing by a few millimeters
      • Minor color tone variations
      • Zooming in from all angles to find imperfections
    • These types of requests are not accepted.
    • Leather Condition Variances: Leather condition variances affect the final result. Therefore, demands for flawless perfection or nitpicking are not entertained.

    2. Non-Serviced Areas:

    • Areas not serviced or addressed during repair or modification are excluded from warranty coverage.
    • The warranty does not cover any parts or components not explicitly repaired, replaced, or maintained by Reeluxs.

    3. Exclusions:

    • Improper Care or Misuse: Damage resulting from improper handling, lack of maintenance, accidents, or abuse.
    • External Environmental Factors: Damage caused by environmental conditions such as weather extremes, natural disasters, or exposure to harmful chemicals.
    • Unrelated Issues: Problems not related to the serviced parts or arising from parts that were not included in the service.

    4 . Duration and Commencement:

    • The warranty period begins on the date the customer collects the serviced item and is valid for a specific duration as stated at the time of service. No claims will be accepted after the expiration of this warranty period.

    5. Claim Process:

    • Customers must notify Reeluxs of any defects within the warranty period and provide proof of service. Reeluxs reserves the right to inspect the item and verify the claim before any warranty service is performed.

Exclusions from Warranty

    • Warranty Rejection: Reeluxs reserves the right to reject any warranty claims if the item was not maintained or handled according to provided protocols and guidelines. Non-compliance resulting in damage voids the warranty.
    • Wear and Tear: Not covered under any warranty.

    Do not accept warranty claims due to the inevitable wear and tear over time, as this is a natural and unavoidable process. Whether you opt to purchase a new product, undertake a restoration, or proceed with a replacement, it may initially appear perfect. However, usage will inevitably lead to wear and tear, which is not covered under warranty terms.

    • Loose Items: No liability for personal items left within serviced products.

    Reeluxs is not responsible for any loose items left within or attached to products submitted for service. This includes, but is not limited to, jewelry, cash, manual booklets, authenticity cards, dustbags, boxes, or parts not related to the service. Customers are strongly advised to thoroughly check and empty all compartments of their items prior to submission to prevent any loss. Reeluxs will not be liable for the loss or damage of any such items left in or with the products during the servicing process.

    • Hidden Damages:
      • Optional Consent Requirement for Additional Fees: In instances of hidden damages, which are only detectable during the repair process and not visible to the naked eye, we reserve the right to request additional fees from the customer. We will inform the customer of the necessity of extra repair fees to replace damaged components or conduct other essential repairs. Customers have the discretion to decide whether to accept additional charges for the corresponding repair work.
      • Necessary Repairs Exception: If hidden damages are vital to the integrity or functionality of other areas, essential additional repairs may be carried out without prior authorization.

Additional Provisions

  • Non-Returnable Replacement Parts:
    • Replacement Parts Policy: Requests for the return of replaced leather and parts are not accepted. Given the significant volume of replacement parts, such requests are uniformly declined.
    • Acceptance of Terms: By agreeing to the service terms and engaging in our repair or customization services, customers acknowledge and accept that any removed parts during the service will not be returned and will be handled according to company policy.
  • Advisory Non-Compliance Clause :If the service did not occur due to your decision to disregard our professional advice, you will be solely responsible for any resulting outcome. This condition applies when our recommendations for service or care are not followed, potentially leading to issues that would have been preventable had our advice been taken.
  • Uncollected Items: Notification up to three (3) times within three (3) months after the completion of the service, items that have not been collected will be at the customer’s own risk. These risks include but are not limited to damage, theft, loss, oxidation due to time,  mold problem and etc .After six (6) months, we reserve the right to dispose of or destroy these items in accordance with company regulations.

Submission of Personal Information and Consent

      • By providing personal information, you consent to our collection, use, disclosure, and processing of your information for administrative, marketing, and promotional purposes. We may reach out to you regarding additional conditions of items, readiness for collection, or to share information about promotions or services that may be of interest. You have the option to withdraw your consent at any time by notifying our staff or our marketing manager.
      • Reeluxs reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. It is the customer’s responsibility to review the warranty terms regularly to understand any changes.

Service Types and Specific Notes

* It is important to understand that variations in the base material’s condition can impact the final outcome of our service. As such, we do not accept demands for flawless perfection or engage in addressing nitpicking concerns. We strive to deliver the best possible results within the realistic constraints of the material’s existing condition.

Cleaning Limitations

  • Effectiveness: The effectiveness of cleaning services depends on the type of stain and how long it has been present on the material.
  • Realistic Expectations: We diligently strive to reduce or remove stains, but we must clarify that complete removal cannot always be guaranteed. This is especially true for stains caused by interior glue oxidation, which can result in a yellowish discoloration. Such stains are often resistant to cleaning processes and may not be completely removable.
  • Customer Guidance: We encourage our customers to have realistic expectations, as some stains may prove persistently resistant despite our best efforts.

Odor Removal Treatment

  • Effectiveness: Leather odor removal is a stubborn issue. The initial treatment typically reduces the odor by 60-70%.
  • Continuous Maintenance: Continuous deodorizing maintenance every 3-6 months is necessary until the odor is completely eliminated.
  • Dependence on Specific Problems: The effectiveness of odor removal depends on the specific problem causing the smell.
  • Limitations: Complete odor removal may not be possible, especially when the smell has permeated throughout all the fibers of the leather.
  • Service Integration: Odor removal service is different from cleaning service, and both must be performed together. Choosing only one service may result in suboptimal outcomes.

Mold Remediation

Surface Mold Management (Initial Intervention)

  • Objective: Address the onset of mold growth and mitigate its further development.
  • Approach: This initial stage combines both cleaning and specialized mold removal treatments. These procedures are distinct yet complementary. The simultaneous application of both treatments is essential, as cleaning alone may not suffice to prevent the recurrence of mold.

Deep Mold Mitigation (Intermediate Intervention)

  • Objective: Address deeper mold penetration within the leather that surpasses superficial layers.
  • Approach: This intermediate stage requires an integrated strategy that includes thorough cleaning, targeted mold removal, and detailed restoration services. This comprehensive intervention is necessary if the initial treatment does not effectively resolve the mold infestation.

Advanced Mold Resolution (Final Intervention)

  • Objective: Tackle severe mold degradation that results in oxidation, leading to the deterioration of the leather with symptoms such as peeling and cracking.
  • Approach: At this advanced stage, previous remedial measures (cleaning, mold removal, and restoration) are generally ineffective. Replacement of the compromised components or, if necessary, the entire item becomes the sole viable solution.

Prevention Guidelines:

  • Do not reuse old dust bags or boxes that cause the bag mold 
  • Avoid placing leather items in humid or poorly aired locations.
  • Regular usage of items helps in maintaining their condition.

Warranty Limitation:Our warranty explicitly excludes the recurrence of mold and oxidation issues arising from improper storage or care after servicing. Despite our commitment to restoring your item to a pristine condition, the longevity and maintenance of the restored state heavily depend on the post-service care it receives.

Policy Rationale:These guidelines underscore the preventable nature of mold and oxidation issues with proper care and storage practices.

Color Restoration and Matching

  • Variations in Material Properties: Due to variations in material properties, dye batches, and aging across different production years, we cannot guarantee an exact color match but strive to achieve a close approximation.
  • Impact of Base Material Condition: Variations in the base material’s condition can impact the final outcome of our service.
  • Realistic Constraints: We strive to deliver the best possible results within the realistic constraints of the material’s existing condition.
  • Limitations: We do not accept demands for flawless perfection or engage in addressing nitpicking concerns.

Color Change Policy

  • Reference Image Disclaimer: The image provided serves solely as a reference. Variations in display technology and the unique characteristics of leather may cause discrepancies between the displayed and actual color outcomes. While efforts are made to closely match the color, absolute accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
  • Influence of Base Color: The inherent base color of the bag will significantly influence the final appearance post-color change. This factor is critical in determining the outcome and should be considered by customers prior to service engagement.
  • Appearance Variations: The depicted color in any reference image may differ when applied, influenced by the bag’s original color and material properties. This variation is a natural outcome of the color change process.
  • Risk of Color Fading: Over time, the new color may fade due to wear and tear, revealing the bag’s original color underneath. This effect is natural and inevitable. Customers should be aware that this fading reflects the wear patterns of the item and cannot be prevented.
  • Customer Acknowledgment: By opting for the color change service, customers acknowledge and accept the potential for variations as described. It is important that customers understand these aspects to ensure satisfaction with the service results.

Color Change

  • Reference Image: The image provided is for reference only. The base color of the bag will affect the final appearance of the color change. Additionally, the color in the picture may not be 100% accurate due to differences in display frequencies and the appearance of leather. While we strive to achieve the closest possible match, we do not provide any appearance guarantees.
  • Appearance Variations: It is important to acknowledge that the color depicted in the image may present differently when applied to the bag, given the bag’s inherent base color and appearance.

Color Transfer Issue

  • Effectiveness: Color transfer stains on light-toned leather can be restored, covering up to 80-90% of the stains, depending on the depth of color penetration into the leather.
  • Professional Recommendation: To retain the genuineness of the leather grains, it is advisable to avoid applying a substantial layer of color.

Partial Replacement Notice

  • Two-Tone Appearance: Please be aware that partial replacement may result in a two-tone appearance due to differences between the new and old materials used.
  • Material Variance: This variance can be noticeable, especially when materials from different production batches or with varying degrees of wear and aging are used side by side.
  • Customer Expectation: Customers should anticipate that the replaced section might not exactly match the existing material in color and texture.


Mold and Oxidation Warranty Exclusion

  • Prevention Guidelines: To prevent mold and oxidation, do not reuse old dust bags or boxes, and avoid placing your leather items back into humid or poorly aired locations. Regular use of these items helps preserve their condition.
  • Warranty Limitation: Please note that our warranty does not cover any recurrence of mold or oxidation issues caused by improper storage or care after servicing.
  • Policy Rationale: This policy reflects the preventable nature of these issues.

Care and Warranty Information for Oil Edge Area

      • Storage Guidelines: To ensure the longevity of the oil edge area on your leather products, it is crucial to avoid storage in high-temperature environments. High heat can cause the oil edges of the leather to melt, potentially causing them to stick to other parts of the item.
      • Warranty Limitation: Please note that any damage to the oil edges due to improper storage, especially if it recurs after restoration, is not covered under warranty.
      • Policy Rationale: This exclusion stems from the preventable nature of the issue, which is directly linked to improper storage practices.

Patent Leather Color Restoration Process and Policy

*It is important to understand that variations in the base material’s condition can impact the final outcome of our services. As such, we do not accept demands for flawless perfection or engage in addressing nitpicking concerns. We strive to deliver the best possible results within the realistic constraints of the material’s existing condition.

Requests Only a Guideline:

We highly value the color preferences expressed by our customers for the restoration of their items. These preferences serve as a guideline for our initial assessment but do not determine the final outcome.

Specialist Underlying Color Evaluation:

– Approximately 99% of patent leather is prone to oxidation over time, particularly in vintage models, making the initial color evaluation challenging. Our specialists will identify and evaluate the most intact or concealed underlying base that has not yet oxidized as the guide color for the item.

– The chosen color for restoration will be the one closest to this underlying color, as determined through our expert assessment. Given the nature of vintage models, achieving 100% color accuracy is not always possible.

– The final color solution also accounts for the aging and oxidation effects on the material. Due to the feasibility based on professional evaluation, there may be discrepancies between the actual outcomes and customer expectations. Therefore, the final decision must be based on professional standards and expertise.

No Objections to Final Outcome:

– We do not accept objections to the final outcome of the color restoration. All decisions regarding the color will follow what is realistically achievable, based on professional standards rather than specific requests or depicted colors in pictures. Customers must understand and agree to this policy before

proceeding with the service. If there is any hesitance or disagreement with this approach, we advise against proceeding with the restoration.

Sensitivity of Patent Leather

Patent leather is an especially sensitive material that is highly susceptible to environmental conditions. At Reeluxs, we guarantee that each product is handled with care. However, due to the inherent characteristics of patent leather, issues such as oxidation and color transfer may occur.

Inherent Issues with Patent Leather:

  • ●  Oxidation: Oxidation is a natural reaction that occurs when exposed to air under normal environmental conditions, which may lead to changes in color and texture.

  • ●  Color Transfer: Patent leather can absorb dyes from other materials, especially in high humidity environments or when in contact with dark fabrics, making color transfer likely.


    Reeluxs is not liable for issues caused by inherent material defects of patent leather, such as oxidation and color transfer. These issues are generally considered uncontrollable factors, closely related to the material’s default properties and external environmental conditions.

    Please note that any damage caused by exposure to chemical substances is also not covered under warranty. Chemicals can cause irreversible harm to the material, including but not limited to color changes and structural damage to the material.

Metal Hardware Disclaimer

* It is important to understand that variations in the base material’s condition can impact the final outcome of our service. As such, we do not accept demands for flawless perfection or engage in addressing nitpicking concerns. We strive to deliver the best possible results within the realistic constraints of the material’s existing condition.

Polishing Services:

  • Purpose: Effectively removes rust, surface dullness, and oxidation from metal hardware.
  • Limitations: Surface Improvement Only: Polishing effectively removes rust, surface dullness, and oxidation but cannot address deeper issues such as scratches and tarnish.
  • Exposure of Base Metal: Polishing alone may also expose the base color of the hardware, revealing the underlying tone. This is particularly notable in bronze and steel-based hardware that has been covered with gold or white gold plating.

24k Gold Re-Plating:

  • Full Re-Plating Requirement: To restore the original shine and gold tone, a complete 24k gold re-plating service is necessary. This service ensures uniformity and maintains quality, as partial re-plating is not feasible.


  • External Damage: Damage from external exposure, including scratches or abrasions from daily use, is not covered under the warranty.
  • Tarnish and Wear and Tear: Natural tarnishing and general wear and tear, which are typical effects of aging and use, are also excluded from coverage.

Characteristics of Black Re-Plating

* It is important to understand that variations in the base material’s condition can impact the final outcome of our service. As such, we do not accept demands for flawless perfection or engage in addressing nitpicking concerns. We strive to deliver the best possible results within the realistic constraints of the material’s existing condition.

Black Plating Durability Notice

  • Durability: Black plating on metal hardware is less durable and tends to wear off more quickly compared to more robust plating options like 24k gold plating. This reduced durability is due to the inherent characteristics of the plating material.
  • Maintenance Limitations: No current method significantly extends the lifespan of black plating.
  • Customer Understanding: It is important for customers to understand that the limitations associated with black plating stem from design choices, not the quality of our service.


  • Due to the inherent limitations of black plating, any issues related to normal wear and tear, including rapid wear-off, are explicitly excluded from our warranty coverage. Customers are advised to consider these aspects carefully before opting for this plating option, to ensure it meets their expectations and intended use.


* It is important to understand that variations in the base material’s condition can impact the final outcome of our service. As such, we do not accept demands for flawless perfection or engage in addressing nitpicking concerns. We strive to deliver the best possible results within the realistic constraints of the material’s existing condition.

  • Customization Design:
    • All customization designs are tailored according to customer specifications during the consultation process.
    • Details of each customization will be documented under special requests to ensure full understanding and agreement.
  • Finalisation of Requests:
    • Once a customization request is finalised and confirmed by the customer, it is deemed irrevocable.
    • Customers are urged to review and confirm all details thoroughly before finalisation.
  • Material Usage:
    • Specially Ordered Materials: Customization involves materials that are specially ordered and prepared for each individual request. These materials are not standard stock items and are procured specifically for the agreed-upon customization.
    • Reuse of Existing Materials: When old materials are used to customise a bag model, any pre-existing defects or conditions in these materials will remain. These aspects are not altered or repaired during the customization process, as the focus is on incorporating them into the new design as requested.
  • Non-Cancellable:
    • Due to the unique nature of materials and design efforts involved, once a customization request is processed and confirmed, it cannot be cancelled or altered.

Partial Replacement Notice

  • Two-Tone Appearance: Please be aware that partial replacement may result in a two-tone appearance due to differences between the new and old materials used.
  • Material Variance: This variance can be noticeable, especially when materials from different production batches or with varying degrees of wear and ageing are used side by side. There will be slight differences in materials from different production batches or with different degrees of wear and ageing. Even if the same brand is bought in different years, the leather may vary. What is certain is that we use the same type of leather.
  • Customer Expectation: Customers should anticipate that the replaced section might not exactly match the existing material in colour and texture.


Service Case for Marketing Purpose Policy

  • Automatic Inclusion in Marketing: All bags submitted for service will be included in marketing materials prepared by the respective marketing team unless a written request is made by the customer to opt out of such inclusion.
  • Disclosure and Privacy Protection: The service case details disclosed in marketing materials only limited to the service performed on the bag. No personal information or other private details of the customer will be included, thereby compliance with privacy standards. As such, explicit consent for the use of these images is not required.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: All images of bags taken post-service are the exclusive property of Reeluxs. These images may be used at Reeluxs’s discretion for internal documentation, marketing, and promotional purposes. By submitting a bag for service, customers acknowledge and agree to this usage.